Full rosey cheeked Turkish boy about 15 yrs old soft looking bum fluff tash and fledgling sideburns.
Bottle of Dr Pepper, unwraps a Rice Krispies bar swiftly consumed he tears open a blue pack of M&Ms and pours a little grouping of the brightly coloured droppings into his clammy hand followed by a few dips into the left pocket of his puffer gilet his hand negotiating a crackling plastic packet of Maryland cookies one after another after another after another.
His white iPhone 5 rings. He starts ye get me fam'ing and all that. Talking about how many man dem fam... Aight fuck that I'm coming down fam... Na minor fam the fucking teacher having a go man what I can't carry a gas gun at school? I got all the Lea Valley come up in the playground and what I 'ain't gonna carry? Na fuck that fam.
Still on the phone he spots someone from his #149 top deck vantage point fuck it's Faris man & without saying goodbye he leaps up leaving a scattering of empty snack packaging outlining his vacant form on the upholstered bus seat and steams weightily down the aisle of the top deck knocking a few fellow passengers elbows as he bowls.
And silence he is gone I wonder what merry hell he is about to dole out on the Kingsland Road tributaries. Something was boiling.